Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hell hath no fury like that of the ocean

Excuse the language in the title, but WOW! I've been in a storm the
past couple of days, and I will be in it for most likely a few days
more. I never quite understood the true beauty of the ocean until I
saw it in this storm. Huge waves nearly 20 ft high crash into each
other outside of every window. There is snow, rain, waves, wind.
The wind has been at a pretty constant 40 mph (maybe it's knots per
hour? I'm not sure).

I am in awe. Absolute awe. Now I also have a better understanding
of how awful and awesome, two words with very different meanings in
today's language, both have the same root. The ocean can be so
terrifying and beautiful at the same time. It's beauty is at its
greatest when it is most terrible. Don't get me wrong, I am quite
comfortable and safe at the moment, but I can only imagine the
destruction this storm could wreak on a smaller, older, wooden boat.

I haven't been outside in quite a few days. I don't believe anyone
has. The towers are iced over. Snow covers the cameras facing the
bow, a-frames, decks, etc. I am constantly on a ferris wheel or a
roller coaster. The waves push me up and pull me down with such
force that I nearly fall down the stairs or even UP the stairs! I
was working out this morning (my morning which is actually 3 pm my
time and 7 pm for most of you), and I feared flying up into the air
while pedaling on the stationary bike (not so stationary bike I might
say!). Lifting weights was quite the experience too! When we were
lifted up by the wave I felt like I might strain myself just trying
to lift five pounds. While we were headed down, I may have hit
myself with the weights due to the borrowed strength I had from such
physics law as "centripetal acceleration" and my "apparent weight."
I feel just like I am always on a roller coaster!

There have been few times where I was so struck by the confusion of
emotions I am feeling. I have never been so inspired by something so
terrible and beautiful at the same time. The ocean is stronger than
anything I have ever seen. I am tempted to become some kind of sea-
fairing lady on a permanent basis due to the fantastic mix of
emotions I am feeling.


Anonymous said...

What kind of weird sea plant is it? Do you know the name of it?

Koy, GS

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your pictures and look forward to more.

Sabrina, GS

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
you must have been scared during the storm!

Anonymous said...

We would like to know exactly where you are as you go along. We are tracking your journey on a big class room map. If you dont mind we would really like you to mention where you are when you post your blogs!!! thanks a lot!!
Emma W. GS

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Dillon. I wasn't here to meet you cause I was absent but I really think what you are doing is pretty cool and I wish I could to. You are doing pretty good keeping us up to date and thank you for doing it. Bye.

Gardner School

Anonymous said...

Hey, so it sounds like you are fun on the ocean. Well hope you have some more fun on your trip.

Gardner School

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're having a dangerous trip to antartica,all of us
wish you a safe trip here in Gardner School.


penguin picture pleasa!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rose, the storm must really be a monster!

Matt GS

Anonymous said...

Dear Rosie,
I enjoy reading about your adventures as an insperation to go some day on my own. Nature is a wonderful place,but is the same way mysteriouse. I hope your love for this will follow you through the years. Maybe dome day you write about yor first trip to Antartica and tell how your old school helped you through with your journy and how they cheered you on.
Elizabeth Gardner Co

Anonymous said...

WOW ! You must be having a really good time . I can't wait to see the pictures of the whales. Be careful.

Liz, :)
Gardner School

Anonymous said...

Ah thats great for you and your crew. My crew and I are still on that nice thing called land. lol.